What are we trying to do?

Research Objectives:

The objective of POLDEI is to produce an overarching theory of political deification by analysing regional emic concepts that describe these religio-political phenomena. 

Primary research question: How does the theory of political deification transform our understanding of the interaction between religious and political affects, institutions, and processes? 

Secondary research questions

What is the relationship between neighbouring concepts such as messianism, religious custodianship, martyrdom, sacred kingship, and political charisma that legitimise political authority?

How is political deification negotiated in emic discourse in monotheistic and polytheistic religions in theological and practical terms?

How do processes of political deification from official authorities operate in official contexts of non-religion such as communist states?

How is the body and image of the political leader represented and interacted with in private and public spheres? What is the relationship between martyrdom and ritual pacification with the way a political leader’s body and bodily remains are treated by the people?

The project will demonstrate how political deification grounded in religious worldviews is a major factor in the legitimation of political authority. The theory of political deification which will emerge from the study of Asian multi-religious contexts of diverse polities—some of which are erstwhile colonies of European powers while others have complex inter-Asian power dynamics—is likely to be relevant not just to other parts of the global South but also to parts of the global North.

The enbalmed body of Ho Chi Monh
(Image source: https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/ho-chi-minh-mausoleum)

Where we are today

The project was launched in October 2023. We are now recruiting researchers for the project. Calls are out for a PhD candidate, two postdoctoral fellows, and a senior researcher.